[電影介紹] 刺客共犯 The Conspirator

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[電影介紹] 午夜巴黎 Midnight in Paris

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[電影介紹] 泳不妥協 Against the Current


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[電影介紹] 惡靈附體 The Possession of Emma Evans

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[電影介紹] 超級同志音樂會 The Big Gay Musical

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[電影介紹] 3D三劍客 The Three Musketeers

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[電影介紹] 娜妲莉的情人 Natalie

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[電影介紹] 孤高的手術刀 A Lone Scalpel

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[電影介紹] 愛妳衝婚頭 Sorry I Want to Marry You

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[電影介紹] 極地詭變 The Thing


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